Glow Airbrush Tanning

Airbrush Tanning:

Since 2003, we have been perfecting the ever-changing process of the airbrush tan. Our airbrush techs have combined experience of over 20 years. We offer our original 100% organic, all natural product as well as our new faster drying product. Many stars are airbrushed with this solution every day. Both solutions are customized - we consult with you and together determine your application color based on your original skin tone, date of the event, and your desired result.

We also offer a ph balancing product if your skin has a tendency not to respond well to dha.

Your Airbrush Appointment:

The only requirement when you are being airbrushed is that you wear some type of bottoms. Many clients opt to wear old clothing, but it is not necessary. We suggest wearing something darker and non-restricting when leaving after your airbrush session. The top tint of color that is applied during the airbrush may rub slightly until your first shower. Any over spray that will get on to your clothing will wash out when you return home.

The tech will discuss your options to determine what solution and color will be best for you. Everything is provided for you to ensure your experience will be comfortable and enjoyable.

Your Simple Airbrush Self Preparation:

Preparation is very important to ensure that your airbrush goes on evenly and lasts as long as possible. Please dry brush or exfoliate your skin (do not use any scrubs that have oils in them) and do not apply any products to body (lotions, shave gels, deodorant, etc) as they will create a barrier between your skin and the solution. If you plan to have your face airbrushed as well, please refrain from wearing any facial lotions or make up.

Your Post Airbrush Information:

While most of our solutions should be left to process for up to 8 hours, we also offer a faster acting solution that will allow a shorter process time. As your airbrush is processing you will want to avoid contact with any liquid that may effect the overall result of your tan. When you shower for the first time you may notice some color washing off; do not worry it is just the top tint. Once you have showered, one of the keys to maintain your tan is moisture; do so as much as possible. Ask us about our favorite extending moisturizer carried in the salon that has a small percent of dha; helping to maximize the length of your tan.

For more information, click here.

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Mon-Thur: 9am - 9pm
Fri: 9am - 8:30pm
Sat & Sun: 9am - 5pm

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